Performance Programme:  
PART I - Future Crowds, Disillusion of the Social Body
PART II - Emotional Mechanics
PART III - Sensorial Body-World Interfaces
PART IV - Fields of intersubjectivity
PART V - Of Mud, of Flesh, of Blood
PART VI - The Theatre of Cruelty
PART VII - Body and space engaged
20th Century Body Politics
Adrien Sina
Basis for theoretical and historical
Film / Video / Sound / Image / Text
/ Media archives :
Performance, Happenings, Body Art, Political
Actionism, Urban Performance, Dance, Choreography, Video-installation,
Multimedia Performance, Digital Media Installation, Experimental
Cinema, Fashion Design, Architecture, Cyber Culture, Photography,
Multimedia Performance
- Future Crowds, Disillusion of the Social Body
I [01] - The early 20th century:
utopian communities, libertarian reformulation of the body-nature
- Monte Verità: a utopian community,
naturist anarchy, 1900s-1920s
Dancers, psychiatrists, poets, artists,
anarchists... : Rudolph von Laban, Mary Wigman, Herman Hesse,
Gustav Landauer, Martin Buber, Émile Jacques-Dalcroze,
Eric Mühsam, Otto Gross, Rudolf Steiner, Isadora Duncan,
Hans Arp, Sophie Taeuber, Hans Morgenthaler, Fritz Pauli, Robert
Schürch, Jakob Flach....
- Paradigm shifts in space, the break
with scenic frontality, the inscription of the body in an autonomous
expressive space
Rudolph von Laban (theory: kinesphere,
choreutics, eukinetics, cinetography or Labanotation), Mary Wigman
(Dance of the Witch, 1913. Dance of the Dead, 1917)
- Shifts in the subject of the dance
: the body-nature encounter, USA-France, 1890s-1910s
Loïe Fuller (Butterfly Dance, 1895.
Serpentine Dance, 1895-98. Le Lys, 1934), Isadora Duncan, Vaslav
Nijinski (L'Après-Midi d'un Faune, 1912. Le Sacre du Printemps,
I [02] - Fascist Perspectives: disillusion
of the social body and the failure of the collective body
- Future crowds, tentacular cities,
propaganda and alienation, reality and science-fiction. Poetry,
literature, cinema: attraction, repulsion, fascination for the
Crowds, 1890s-1930s
Émile Verhaeren (Les Villes tentaculaires,
1895), Ricciotto Canudo (Les transplantés - Les romans
des foules nouvelles, 1913), Valentine de Saint-Point, (Les Foules,
1911), Yakov Protazanov (Aelita, 1924), Fritz Lang (Metropolis,
- Propaganda, fascist iconography and
rhetoric, mass choreography, 1920s-30s
Leni Riefenstahl (Triumph of will, 1935),
Rudolph von Laban (The Corporations parade Vienna, 1929. Direction
of dance at the Ministry of Propaganda, 1934)
- Totalitarian Dystopia: social, political
and critical premonitions, 1920s-30s
Alexandre Medvedkin (The agit-prop Stalinian
movie-train, 1932. The happiness, 1934), Sergei Eisenstein (The
battleship Potemkin, 1925. Octobre, 1927), Fritz Lang (Doctor
Mabuse, 1922. Metropolis, 1927), Leni Riefenstahl (The blue light,
- Totalitarian cults of the body : the
healthy and sportive body, "the Transparent Man", 1930s-40s
El Lissitzky (Le coureur dans la ville,
1926), Eugen Mathias (The masculine body, 1931), Alexandre Rodchenko
(Place à la femme, 1935. Saut périlleux, Gymnastique
rythmique, 1936), Lothar Rübelt (Workers' Olympic games
Vienna, 1931. Artistic highdiving, 1935), Leni Riefenstahl (Olympia,
1936), Rudolf von Laban (Olympic games of Berlin, 1936), Joseph
Mengele ("medical" experiences in the nazi camps, Auschwitz,
- Emotional Mechanics
I I [01] - Mechanomorphic Muses,
Human-Machine Hybrids
- Migrations, strategies of opposition,
Cabaret Voltaire, Dada "soirées", 'MERZabend',
Hugo Ball, Tristan Tzara, Hans Arp, Marcel
Janco, Richard Huelsenbeck, Sophie Taeuber, Mary Wigman, Marcel
Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Kurt Schwitters
- Futurism: shift of the art subject
from female body to the machine : Manifestos, theatre, dance,
concerts and Futurist soirées, France-Italy, 1909-19
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Balilla Pratella,
Umberto Boccioni, Luigi Russolo - The Art of Noises, Valentine
de Saint-Point
- Russian Avant-Garde, Constructivist
or Suprematist theatrical experiments, Russia, 1910s-30s
Alexandre Rodchenko, Kazimir Malevich +
Mikhail Matyushin
- Emotional mechanics: mechanical ballets,
Fernand Léger + Dudley Murphy (Le
Ballet mécanique, 1925), Alexandra Exter (Ballet Satanique,
1922. Aelita, 1924), Sophie Taeuber (Dada-Soirée, 1916-19.
Marionnettes, 1918), Fortunato Depero (Marionnettes and ballet
costumes, 1915-30)
- The Bauhaus: industrial modernity,
crossdisciplinary dance experiments, Weimar, 1920s
Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Schlemmer (Triadic
Ballet, 1922-26), Lázló Moholy-Nagy (Licht-Raum-Modulator,
- The dynamic fragmentation of movement,
chronophotography, kineticism, 1870s-1930s
Edward Muybridge, Étienne-Jules
Marey (Chronophotographies, 1878-90s), Giacomo Balla (Dynamism
of a dog on leasch, 1912), Umberto Boccioni (Unique forms of
continuity in space, 1913), Anton Giulio Bragaglia (The Violoncellist,
1913), Marcel Duchamp (Nu descendant un escalier, 1912. La Mariée,
1912. Anemic cinéma, 1925), Arturo Bragaglia (L'éventail,
1928), R. A. Bertelli (Continuous profile of Mussolini, 1933)
- The Eve of the Future, erotic mechanics,
sexual mechanics, robotic fantasies, 1880s-1980s
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (L'Ève future,
1886), Man Ray, François Schuiten (Les Machinistes, 1984),
Günther Brus (Irrwisch, 1971), Helmut Newton (Ève
Future, 1970s)
- Erotic dolls as desire and submission
machines, 1930s-2000s
Hans Bellmer (1930s), Allen Jones (1960s-70s),
Leigh Bowery (1990s-2000s)
- Multimedia puppet theatre, robotic
theatre, cyborgs, body-machine hybridisation, Europe-USA-South-Africa,
Faulty Optic, William Kentridge + Hans
Bring Puppet Company, Chico Mac Murtrie, David Therrien, Stelarc
(Third Hand, 1981-94, Hexapod, 2002)
- Sensorial Body-World Interfaces
III [01] - The augmented body : sensorial
body-world interfaces
- Sensorial body-world interfaces 1 :
the humanisation of technology, 1970s-2000s
Giuseppe Penone (To reverse one's eyes,
1970), Rebecca Horn (Arm Extensions, 1968. Movable Shoulder Extensions,
1970. Finger Gloves, 1972. Kakadoo, 1973. Mechanical Body-fan,
1974. Rooms Encountering each other, 1975), Charlotte Moorman
(Human Cello, 1965), Walter Pichler (Portable Living Room, 1967),
Hans Hemmert, Mariko Mori (Miko no Inori, 1996)
- Sensorial body-world interfaces 2 :
sensory and communicative clothing, 1950s-2000s
Martha Graham, Rebecca Horn, Atsuko Tanaka
(Electric Dress, 1956), Lygia Clark, Marie-Ange Guilleminot (La
Robe mercurochrome, 1992. Chapeau-vie, 1995. Le Paravent, 1997),
Bibi Boberska (Jelly Dress, 1996), Kenji Yanobe, Noriko Sunayama
- The mandala : rituals and diagrams
displaying the body-world continuum
Archeological mandalas of the bronze age,
mandalas, Peutinger Tables, Ptolemaic maps, Aztec and Mayan narrative
codices, geomancy, trance rituals and cosmogonies
III [02] - Sensorial and perceptual
amplifications of reality
- Artists' worlds and their primal elements,
Andrei Tarkovsky (L'enfance d'Ivan, 1962.
Solaris, 1972. Andrei Rublev, 1972. Le Miroir, 1975. Stalker,
1979. Nostalgia, 1984. Le Sacrifice, 1986.), Bill Viola (Migration,
1976. Chott el-Djerid, 1979. The Passing, 1991. Déserts,
1994. Hatsu Yume, 1981. Anthem, 1983), Marina Abramovic (Dozing
Consciousness, 1997)
- Doubled senses, doubled fractures,
doubled views of reality, Europe-Canada-USA, 1970s-2000s
Valie Export (Split reality), Michael Snow
(La Région Centrale, 1970-71. Two Sides to Every Story,
1974), Dan Graham (Body Press 1970-72), Liz Diller + Ricardo
Scofidio (Jet Lag [Donald Crowhurst, Sarah Krassnoff], 1998)
- Amplified edges of reality, multiplied
visions, 1970s-90s
Gary Hill (Crux, 1983-87), Bill Viola (The
space between the teeth, 1976. The Crossing, 1996. The world
of appearances, 2000. Emergence, 2002), Gary Hill (Site/Recite,
1989), Andreas Gursky, Teiji Furuhashi (Lovers, 1994), Paolo
Rosa - Studio Azzurro (Totale della battaglia, 1996), Maria Marshall
(Playground, 2002)
- Stretched temporality, repetitions,
Lucinda Childs (Einstein on the Beach,
1976), Bill Viola (He Weeps for you, 1976), Trisha Brown (Set
and Reset, 1983), Douglas Gordon (Reconstituting John Ford and
the Searchers, 1995), Emmanuel Carlier (Temps mort, 1995), Roman
- Deconstruction of the point of view
of the perceptual and psychological subject, Europe-USA, 1970s-90s
Michael Snow, Dan Graham, Tony Oursler,
Gary Hill, Bruce Nauman, Carsten Höller, Cathy Sisler
- Multimedia performance and theater,
Europe-Japan-USA-Israel, 1990s-2000s
N+N Corsino, Batcheva, Liz Diller + Ricardo
Scofidio, Teiji Furuhashi [dumb type] (pH, 1991. S/N, 1993. OR,
1999), La Fura dels Baus, Daniela Kurz, Susan Kozel, Hotel Proforma,
Lázlo Hudi (La Tragédie de l'Homme, 2000), Jean-Marc
Matos + Anne Holst (IR, 2000), José Montalvo
- Interactive video or digital installations,
Europe-Japan-USA, 1990s-2000s
Paul Sermon, Tecla Schiforst, Christa Sommerer,
Dumb Type, Paolo Rosa (Studio Azzurro), Jeffrey Shaw
- Digital photography manipulating the
body's representations, Europe-USA, 1990s-2000s
Inez van Lamsweerde, Nicole Tran Ba Vang,
Anthony Aziz+ Sammy Cucher, Benoît Méléard,
Keith Cottingham
- Virtual interactive music, sound installations
and performances, USA-Europe, 1970s-2000s
Laurie Anderson (Automotive, 1971. O, Superman,
1981), Michel Waiswisz, Robin Minard, From Scratch
- Sensorial and perceptual amplifications
of space, evanescent geometries, 1970s-2000s
James Turrell, Bruce Nauman, Wolgang Laib
- Fields of intersubjectivity
IV [01] - Fields of intersubjectivity
1: identity, alterity, minority
- Collision between cultures: orientalism,
exoticism, eroticism, politics and the construction of feminine
myths, Europe, 1910s-30s
Ruth Saint-Denis, Mata Hari, Joséphine
- The artist's body : wounds and
cries, 1970s
Marina Abramovic (Art must be beautiful
/ Artist must be beautiful, 1975), Rebecca Horn (Cutting one's
hair with two scissors at once), Günther Brus (Self-mutilation,
1965), Gina Pane (Action Psyché, 1974), Arnulf Rainer
(Face Farces, 1969-72)
- Gender performance, sexual politics,
feminism, identity/alterity/minority, social and political critical
strategies, USA-Europe, 1960s-2000s
The Guerrilla Girls (Campaign against racism
and sexism within the art world, 1984), Carolee Schneemann (Interior
Scroll, 1975), Judy Chicago (Red Flag, 1971. The Dinner party,
1979), Annie Sprinkle (Bosom Ballet, 1985), Hannah Wilke (Super-T-Art,
1974. Gestures, 1974), Barbara Kruger, Adrian Piper, Sadie Benning
- Feminine Identity, critical social
and political strategies, 1930s-2000s
Claude Cahun, Hannah Wilke, Valie Export,
Elke Krystufek, Carolee Schneemann (Meat Joy, 1964. Fuses, 1965.
Up to and Including Her Limits, 1973-76), Nan Goldin, Jenny Holzer,
Sarah Lucas, Pipilotti Rist
IV [02] - Fields of intersubjectivity
2: the couple, the dual or reflexive relationship
- The enigma of the couple: power relations,
submission/domination, fusion/divorce, 1970s-2000s
Marina Abramovic + Ulay (Relation in Space,
1976. Talking about Similarity, 1976. Breathing in, Breathing
out, 1977. Expansion in Space, 1977. Relation in Time, 1977.
Light/Dark, 1977. Balance Proof, 1977. AAA-AAA, 1978, Rest Energy,
1980. Night Sea Crossing Conjunction, 1979-86. Walk on the Great
Wall, 1988), Yoko Ono + John Lenon, Andy Warhol, Maguy Marin
(Eden, 1986), René Magritte, Dan Graham (Body Press 1970-72),
Liz Diller + Ricardo Scofidio (His / Hers, 1996)
- The couple: imaginative displays and
fantasy traps, 1940s-2000s
Maya Deren (Meshes of Afternoon, 1943),
Stephen Dwoskin (Moment, 1968), Yoko Ono + John Lenon (Bed Peace,
1971), Vito Acconci (Three Relationship Studies, 1970. Seedbed,
1972), Paul Sermon (Telematic Dreaming, 1992), Andreas Serrano
(A History of Sex, 1995), Sophie Calle
- The couple: identity permutations,
homosexuality/heterosexuality, 1960s-2000s
Andy Warhol (Beauty # 2, 1965. Kiss, 1963),
Vito Acconci (Applications, 1970. Contacts, 1971). Yvonne Rainer
(Lives of Performers, 1971), Michel Journiac (24 heures dans
la vie d'une femme ordinaire, 1974. L'Inceste, Variations Incestueuses,
1975), Maria Klonaris + Katerina Thomadaki (Jardins de l'Hermaphrodite
endormi/e, 1982-1985), Robert Mapplethorpe
- The reflexive couple: the self with
the self. Transvestism, sexual ambivalence, altered identities,
Marcel Duchamp (Rrose Sélavy, 1921),
Urs Luthi (Self-portrait, 2pieces, 1976), Claude Cahun (Self-portraits,
1919-28), Pierre Molinier, Michel Journiac (Homage to Freud,
IV [03] - Fields of intersubjectivity
3: the body and the social language
- Expressionist dance, Tanztheater,
Europe-USA, 1910s-60s-90s
Mary Wigman, Harald Kreutzberg, Pina Bausch,
Susanne Linke, Johann Kresnik, Reinhild Hoffmann, Gerhard Bohner,
Martha Graham
- Body Art ( Art Corporel ),
identity and social language, France-USA, 1970s-80s
François Pluchart (ArTitudes International,
1972. Manifestes de l'Art Corporel, 1974-80), Michel Journiac,
Gina Pane, Chris Burden, Vito Acconci, Henri Maccheroni...
- The body given to the public, the
sociology of voyeurism and aggression, 1960s-90s
Valie Export (Tap and Touch Cinema, 1968.
Genital Panic, 1969), Michel Journiac (Piège pour un voyeur,
1969), Marina Abramovic (Rhythm 0, 1974), Abramovic + Ulay (Imponderabila,
1977), Yoko Ono (Cut Piece, 1964), Ana Mendieta (Rape Scene,
1973), Chris Burden (Shoot, 1971), Adrian Piper (Streetworks,
1970. Catalysis IV, 1970-71), Orlan (Le Baiser de l'Artiste,
1977), Annie Sprinkle (Post-Porn-Modernist Show, 1992), Elke
Krystufek (Satisfaction, 1996)
- The subject and the social context,
experimental film, Europe-USA, 1970s-90s
Andy Warhol, Jack Smith (Flaming Creatures,
1961. Normal Love, 1963), Chris Marker, Chantal Akerman, Cindy
Sherman, Wim Wenders
- Human fragility, flexible coexistence,
intersubjectivity, the contemporary social body, 1970s-90s
Pina Bausch (Kontakthof, 1978. Two Cigarettes
in the Dark, 1985), Ann Teresa de Keersmaeker (Rosas danst Rosas,
1983. Achterland, 1994. April me, 2002), Sasha Waltz (L'Allée
des Cosmonautes, 1999. Körper, 2000. NoBody, 2002), Tatsumi
Orimoto (Art Mama, 1999)
- The contextual and social language
of the body, the gaze of the other, Europe-USA, 1990s-2000s
Vanessa Beecroft (Show, 1998), Nadine Norman,
(Call Girl, 2000), Sam Taylor-Wood, Nan Goldin
IV [04] - Fields of intersubjectivity
4 : the missing intersubjectivity
- The violent soliloquy, destruction
of narcicism, 1960s-90s
Samuel Beckett (Murphy, 1965), Marina Abramovic,
(Art must be beautiful / Artist must be beautiful, 1975. The
Onion, 1996), Vito Acconci (Shadow Box, 1970. Shadow-Play, 1970),
Gina Pane (Psyche, 1974), Pina Bausch (Café Müller,
1978), Rebecca Horn (Cutting one's hair with two scissors at
once), Ben Vautier (Ego Exercise), Valie Export (Remote Remote,
1973), Absalon (Bruits, 1993)
- Dreams and words beneath solitude,
Samuel Beckett (La Dernière bande,
1959. Oh les beaux jours suivi, 1974), Andy Warhol (Eat, 1963.
Sleep, 1963), Marina Abramovic (Image of Happiness, 1996. The
House with the Ocean View, 2002-03), Anne Robertson (Apologies,
1984), Sam Taylor-Wood (Soliloquy, 1998)
IV [05] - Fields of intersubjectivity
5 : interacting with animals
- The animal, disturbing mirror of the
human, 1970s-2000s
Marc Thomspon (Live-In Hive, 1979), Marina
Abramovic (Dragon Heads, 1989-90. Cleaning the Mirror, 1995.
Balkan Baroque, 1997), William Wegman (1970-78), Carsten Höller
(Loverfinches, 1995. The human zoo, 1997), Aija Liisa Ahtila
(Dog Bites, 1991), Joseph Beuys (Eurasia 32, 1963. Comment expliquer
la peinture à un lièvre mort, 1965. Iphigenie/Titus
Andronicus, 1969. I Like America and America Likes Me, 1974.
7000 chênes, 1982), Valie Export + Peter Weibel (From the
portfolio of Doggishness, 1968), Jill Orr (Lunch with the Birds,
1979), Jayne Parker (The world turned upside down, 2001), Oleg
Kulik (Memento Mori, 2003)
IV [06] - Extended fields of intersubjectivity
: Cyberculture, mediaculture, art virusing the mass media
- Art virusing mass media culture,
Europe-USA-Canada, 1990s-2000s
Fred Forest, Mell Chin - The Gala Committee,
Nadine Norman
- Communication, media culture, cyber
theory, 1960s-2000s
Marshall McLuhan, William Gibson, Paul
Virilio, Friedrich Kittler, Hakim Bey, Norbert Wiener, Critical
Art Ensemble
- Of Mud, of Flesh, of Blood
V [01] - The body and material engaged
- Japanese avant-gardes, happenings
and manifestos. Gutai and Neo-dada groups, Japan, 1950s-60s
Jiro Yoshihara, Atsuko Tanaka, Saburo Murakami,
Kazuo Shiraga, Shozo Shimamoto (First Exhibitions of the group,
1956-57). Ushio Shinohara, Masnobu Yoshimura.
- Happenings, Pop Art events and films,
Europe-USA, 1960s-70s
Allan Kaprow (18 Happenings in six parts,
1959), Christo, Claes Oldenburg, Martial Raysse, Niki de Saint-Phalle
(Tir à Volonté, 1961), Jean-Jacques Lebel (l'Enterrement
d'une chose, 1960)
- Performance as sculptural behaviour,
USA-Europe, 1960s-2000s
Louise Bourgeois (A Banquet, 1980), Richard
Serra (Hand Catching Lead, 1968. Hands Scraping, 1971. Hands
Tied, 1971), Gilbert & George (The Singing Scuplture, 1969),
Eva & Adele
- Action painting, automatism, trance
and hallucination, 1930s-1950s
Henri Michaux (Entre centre et absence,
1936. Plume, Lointain intérieur, 1938. Misérable
Miracle, 1956), Jackson Pollock (Allover, poured painings, 1946-47.
Dripping. Film de Hans Namuth, 1951)
- Body fluids : impregnation, expulsion,
transformation, 1940s-90s
Duchamp (Paysage Fautif [fluide séminal],
1946), Carolee Schneemann (Eye Body, 1963. Meat Joy, 1964), Paul
McCarthy (Face Painting, 1972), Shigeco Kubota (Vagina Painting,
1965), Michel Journiac (Boudin au sang humain, 1969), Andy Warhol
(Oxydation Painting, 1978), Helen Chadwick (Piss Flower, 1991),
Janine Antoni (Loving Care, 1992), Tracy Emin (Exorcism of the
last painting I ever made, 1996), Andreas Serrano (Ejaculation
in trajectory, 1989, Piss Light, 1987, Semen and Blood, 1990)
- Skin-print and body-print actions:
rayograms, anthropometries, 1910s-90s
Man Ray (Schadographie, 1918. Rayograph,
1922, Emak Bakia, 1926), Robert Rauschenberg (exposed blueprit
paper, 1950), Yves Klein (Anthropometries, 1958), Ana Mendieta
(Silueta, 1976), Janine Antoni (Eureka, 1993)
- Bodies and matter: eroticised play,
Carolee Schneemann (Meat Joy, 1964), Niki
de Saint-Phalle (Shooting, 1961), Annie Sprinkle (Bosom Ballet,
1985), Marie-Ange Guilleminot (Mes Poupées, 1993), Chantal
Michel (. . . .1+1+1+1+1 . . ., 1998)
V [02] - Mutant Flesh : Clinical
- Late 19th century discoveries of clinical
identity, the psychosomatic expression of emotions, madness and
Duchenne de Boulogne (Electro-physiological
experiments, 1855-56), Jean-Martin Charcot (Photographic iconography
of La Salpétrière hospital, 1870s-90s)
- Clinical Identity : écorchés,
opened bodies, diseases, infirmities, operations, 1970s-2000s
Bob Flanagan, Hannah Wilke (Portrait of
the Artist with Her Mother Selma Butter, 1978-81. Intra-Venus,
1993), Jayne Parker (K, Inside out, 1990), Orlan (Opération
Réussie, 1990. Omniprésence, 1993), Stelarc (Stomach
Sculpture, 1993-94), Joel-Peter Witkin, Matthew Barney (Cremaster
3, 2002), Franko B. (Mama I Can't Sing, 1995-96. Protect Me,
1996. I'm Not Your Babe, 1996-97. Aktion 398, 1998-2001. I Miss
You, 1999-2000. Oh Lover Boy, 2000-01), Bernard Lallemand, Veronica
Bromova (Other views, 1995-96), Liz Diller + Ricardo Scofidio
(Normal Pharmaceuticals, 1996), Dumb Type (OR, 1999)
- Post-mortem, representations of death,
and immortal flesh, 1990s-2000s
John Isaacs (The Matrix of Amnesia, 1997),
Marc Quinn (Self, 1991), Andreas Serrano (The Morgue, 1992),
Ron Mueck, Jake + Dinos Chapman (Unnameable, 1997), Teresa Margolles
(groupe Semefo), Art Orienté Objet
- The Theatre of Cruelty
VI [01] - Theatre of Cruelty : psychoanalysis
of human civilisation
- Body fragility in torsion and decomposition.
Wounds, tortures and scars of war, 1900s-50s
Gustav Klimt, Francis Bacon. Alberto Giacometti,
Henry Moore, Jean Fautrier, Germaine Richier
- The Theatre of Cruelty: the body and
the cry, traumas and tragedies, 1930s-1990s
Antonin Artaud (Le Théâtre
de la Cruauté, 1933), Pablo Picasso (Guernica, 1937),
Marina Abramovic (Balkan Baroque, 1997)
- The Surrealist Revolution: distorsion
of the body imaginary, Europe, 1920s-30s
André Breton, Salvador Dalí,
Luis Bunuel (Un Chien Andalou, 1928), Eli Lotar (Abattoir, 1929),
Max Ernst, Georges Franju (Le sang des bêtes, 1949)
- Eros and visceral spaces, Surrealist
and dream spaces, 1910s-40s
Salvador Dalí, René Magritte,
Roberto Matta, Joan Miro, Frederick Kiesler, Hermann Finsterlin,
Giorgio De Chirico
- The blood of slaughter, the political
sexualisation of cruelty : Viennese Actionnists, 1963-72
Otto Mühl (Material Action, 1964-70),
Günter Brus (Ana, 64. Silver, Self-painting, Self-mutilation,
1965. Aktionsraum, 1970), Hermann Nitsch (1st Action Painting,
1960. Orgien Mysterien Theater, 1965-98), Rudolf Schwarzkogler
(Hochzeit, 1965)
VI [02] - Artists' response to war
: figures of trauma, revolt and lamentation
- The first wars of the century, 1910s
Valentine de St Point (la Guerre, 1912),
Nijinski (Danse de l'horreur et de la guerre, 1917)
- Political actions and engagement :
artists against the Vietnam war, 1964-1979
Martin Scorsese (The Big Shave, 1976),
Joseph Beuys (I Like America and America Likes Me, 1974), Gina
Pane (L'escalade non anesthésiée, 1971), Chris
Burden (The Atomic Alphabet, 1970s), Yoko Ono (Cut Piece, 1964)
- After Hiroshima, dances of pain and
darkness: Butoh, Japan-France, 1940s-60s-80s
Tatsumi Hijikata, Carlotta Ikeda, Ushio
Amagatsu - Sankaï Juku, Min Tanaka
- Cold Wars, Warm Wars : points
of view of the East and the West, 1940s-90s
Tadeusz Kantor (Théâtre clandestin
à Cracovie, 1942, Cricot 2, 1955), Zofia Kulik, Chris
Marker (La Jetée, 1962. Level Five, 1995)
- War in Bosnia: The dark and obscure
substance of humanity, 1990s-2000s
Marina Abramovic (Belgrade), Enki Bilal
(Belgrade), Fred Forest, Lebbeus Woods, Tomasz Pandur (Babylone,
1996. Inferno, 2001)
- Religious and ideological wars, figures
of trauma and lamentation, 1930s-2000s
Martha Graham (Heretic. Lamentation, 1930),
Pina Bausch (Viktor, 1986), Mona Hatoum (Roadworks, 1985), Shirin
Neshat (1990s-2000s), Sigalit Landau (Hoop, 2000)
- Architecture, war, destruction and
catastrophe, 1940s-2000s
Paul Virilio (Bunker Archaeology), Lebbeus
Woods, Enki Bilal, Daniel Libeskind
VI [02] - Political actions and social
- Concentrationnary Dystopias, injustice,
artists and political engagement, 1920s-2000s
Krzystof Wodiczko (Le Bâton d'Immigré,
1992. Porte Parole, 1995), Alfredo Jaar, Hans Haake, Andreas
Serrano (Klansman, 1990), William Kentridge (Felix in exile,
History of the main complaint, 1994), Mona Hatoum, Joseph Beuys,
Marina Abramovic, Valentine de St Point, Fred Forest, Yoko Ono,
Shirin Neshat, Christian Boltanski, Absalon
- Theatre of the absurd and the human
condition : political and social dimensions. Europe, 1920s-2000s
Valesca Gert (Surrealist Dances, 1926.
Cabaret Kohlkopp, 1932), Bertolt Brecht, Samuel Beckett, Tadeusz
Kantor, Heiner Müller, Tomaz Pandur, Goran Stefanowski (Hotel
Europa, 2000), Jean Michel Bruyère (Poèmes à
l'Infecte, 1996)
- Body and space engaged
VII [01] - Body, space , environment,
architecture and the city
- Architecture and performance in Vienna,
Coop Himmelb(l)au, Haus-Rucker-Co, Hans
Hollein, Walter Pichler, Kleiner Raum
- The Situationist International 1957-72,
Dérive, hypercities, instant cities and urban megastructures,
social and media paradigm shifts, Europe-USA
Guy Debord, Constant, Ron Heeron - Archigram
- Public space : urban performances,
architectural implications, Europe, 1960s-90s
Günther Brus (Vienna Walk, 1965),
Gordon Matta-Clark, Trisha Brown (Walking down the side of a
building, 1970. Roof Piece, 1973), Daniel Buren, Orlan (MesuRAGES
d'Institutions et de Rues, 1972), Joseph Beuys (Balayage, 1972),
Odile Duboc (Trois regards intérieurs, 1993), Markus Kreiss,
Ernest Pignon Ernest, Georges Rousse, Tadashi Kawamata, Anthony
Hernandez, Hans Haake, Krzystof Wodiczko, Marina Abramovic +
Ulay (Imponderabilia, 1977), Jochen Gerz, James Turrell (Heavy
Water, 1991-92), Spencer Tunick (Naked States, 1993-2003)
- Face-to-face between body and environment,
Land Art actions, USA-Europe, 1960s-70s
Natalia LL (Points of support Constellation
Cygnus, 1978), Gina Pane (Pierres déplacées, 1968.
Situation Idéale, 1969. Semences de graines de chanvre,
1970. Continuation d'un chemin de bois, 1970. Deuxième
projet du silence, 1970. Pierre de corps, 1970), Ana Mendieta,
Joan Jonas (Mirror Performance, 1968. Miror Piece I, 1970), Robert
Smithson, Dennis Oppenheim
- Body-space relationships : complicity
and paradox, 1960s-2000s
Samuel Beckett (Watt, 1968), Bruce Nauman
(Bouncing in the Corner, 1968. Wall-Floor Positions, 1968), Chantal
Michel (Sorry Guys, 1997, Mögliches Vorhaben, 1998), Richard
Serra (Hand Catching Lead, 1968, Hands Scraping, Hands Tied,
1971), Stelarc (Suspension, 1976-88), Joëlle Bouvier + Régis
Obadia (La Chambre, 1987), Pipilotti Rist (Mutaflor, 1996), Mariko
Mori (Miko no Inori, 1996), Kitsou Dubois (Zero gravity, 1999),
Philippe Ramette (Balcon, 1999), Patty Chang (The Extension of
Nothing, 2000)
- The sci-fi body and sci-fi architecture
in films and comic strips, Europe, 1970s-90s
HR Giger, Enki Bilal, François Schuiten
+ Claude Renard, Druillet, Gimenez, Cadelo, Moebius
- Human containers, performance and
corporeal architectures, Capsule-Hotels, 1970s-2000s
Absalon, Ico Parisi, Lygia Clark, Mariko
Mori, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, Kenji Yanobe, Hans Hemmert, Rebecca
Horn, Bibi Boberska, Kenji Yanobe, Noriko Sunayama, Krzystof
Wodiczko, Jean Dubuffet, Ionel Shein, Kisho Kurokawa
VII [02] - Instant art and body strategies
- Artistic snapshots: performance, provocation,
sense of humour, 1910s-2000s
Marcel Duchamp (Tonsure, 1919), Piero Manzoni
(Sculpture vivante, 1961), Yves Klein (Saut dans le Vide, 1960),
Charles Ray (Plank Piece, 1973) Holger Trülzsch + Vera Lehndorff
(Stalltüre, 1975), Erwin Wurm, Chantal Michel, Natacha Lesueur,
Sandy Skoglund, Daniel Canogar
- Fluxus happenings, mental exercices,
performing concepts, social and political street events, Europe-USA,
Joseph Beuys, Ben Vautier, George Brecht,
Nam June Paik + Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono (Fluxfilm, 1964-70.
Bottoms, 1965, Fly, 1970)
- Absurd or psycho-paradoxical theatre,
video and performance displays, Europe, 1960s-2000s
Samuel Beckett ( Watt, 1968), Philippe
Ramette (Balcon, 1999), Made in Éric, Grands Magasins
(Nos oeuvres complètes, 1999), Forced Entertainment (12am:
Awake & Looking Down, 2003), La Ribot (Panoramix, 2003)
VII [03] - Crossdisciplinary fields
of dance and body-related creation as a search for permanent
- Points in Space: an unpredictable
basis for contemporary choreography, New York, 1950s
Merce Cunningham, John Cage, Jasper Johnes,
Robert Rauschenberg
- The Judson Dance Theater, New York,
Trisha Brown, Lucinda Childs, Yvonne Rainer,
Carolee Schneemann, Steve Paxton, Meredith Monk, Simone Forti
- Contemporary choreography, Europe-Argentina,
Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Mats Ek, Lloyd
Newson - DV8 Physical Theatre, Mark Tompkins, Jean-Claude Gallotta,
William Forsythe, Karole Armitage, Jiri Kylian, Joëlle Bouvier
+ Régis Obadia, Mathilde Monnier, Maguy Marin, De La Guarda,
Josef Nadj, Rui Horta, Jan Fabre, Roxane Huilmand, Michèle-Anne
de Mey, Angelin Preljocaj, Karine Saporta, Wim Vandekeybus, Sasha
- Art, fashion design and cyber culture,
Europe-Japan, 1960s-90s-2000s
Paco Rabanne, Thierry Mugler, Jean-Paul
Gaultier, Issey Miyake, Rei Kawabuko, Walter van Beirendonck
- W&L.T., Jeremy Scott, Art Point M, Hussein Chalayan, Alba
d'Urbano, Nicola Costantino