Suspended Moments
~ Adrien Sina 2007
Two shepherds whose herd grazes the grass of a restaurant garden on the borders of the river Niger are driven out by the owner.
Nomadism is a tradition, the grass has dried out everywhere; there is
only green vegetation on golf courses or in the gardens of tourist
haunts. Where else to go?
I greet them to show my solidarity.
They reply to my sign of complicity with some peaceful acrobatics, the
last demonstration of their pride before accepting their retreat.
This inversion of the values, inversion of the aggressivity of rich
people into a peaceful reply of upside down bodies led me logically to
mount this film upside down in time and gravity. Bodies, intentions and
moments appears to be suspended in all the meanings of the term...
video 16/9, 02:25 min, Bamako (Mali), 2007 |

Farafin a ni Toubabou - black and white ethical projects
Adrien Sina
Artist and theoretician Adrien Sina presents a compilation of film
works and documentation taken from performances, instruction pieces and
videos from 2005-2007.
This dvd contains eight works made on location in France, UK and Mali
and reflects aspects of Sina's interests in ethics, human rights and
political representations through participatory practices.
A full colour brochure to accompany the DVD can be downloaded here.
Adrien Sina and Live Art Development Agency, 2009, DVD-PAL, 40 minutes.