[ Fragmented
Parliament-Museum ]
[ Planetary Parliament of Peoples and Minorities ]
[ Exchange Protocol
of Virtual Affective Thing(k)s ]
Adrien Sina
E5. The Virtual Fragmented Museum.
The steps forth to the Planetary Parliament of Peoples and Minorities shall not be separated from a cultural dimension with a planetary relay. The Virtual Museum is based on a disseminated Fund of affective thing(k)s, depicting a geography of memory and non-oblivion. The purpose is not to take, as in news reports, nor to give, as in humanitarian assistance, but to initiate an exchange, around what has sense, what can make sense, the hidden side of reality, the most neglected and the most essential.
E6. The Exchange Protocol of Virtual Affective Thing(k)s
between Others and Ourselves who are the same. From the things of everyday reality to the Heideggerian "thing", that gathers, retains the earth and the sky, reunites, gives the impulse to human dwellings and ties the belongingness between divinities and mortals, an exchange protocol defines the constitution of an evolutive, virtual Patrimony free from any appropriation, around the following themes. For your contributions,
you are invited to complete the insert text fields, your words or images will appear on the next active pages of the Fragmented Museum :
The oldest word in your memory / the most recent neologism
The oldest object / the most recent instrument
The most used tool / the most derisory curio
The oldest book / the most prominent recent publication
The oldest story / the most recent remembrance
The most ancient photograph / the most recent image
The oldest sound or film archive / the most recent recording
The most essential thought / the most relevant gesture
The oldest friendship / the most recent encounters
The most rudimentary means of communication / most efficient networks
The most ancient laws / the most threatening legislations
The most fundamental right / the most urgent ethical reflection
The most foundational myth / the most decisive current events
Name :
You can as well send JPEG or Gif images by mail to:
[ Presentation 002 ]
of text and image contributions
[ Virtual Parliament ]
[ Active Parliament ]
[ Matrix of a Planetary Ethics ]
[ Matrices d'une Éthique Planétaire ]
[ Message 001 ]